Space of Luminosity

Spiraling tidal vortices swirl and dissipate in the space of luminosity. Inspired by my water journeys which frequently involve traversing tidal currents, I let my small boat drift in the tidal flow letting it take me where it may, out to the edges of eddies and vortices. When there is no wind it is wonderful to experience the flow of the tides accelerating over underwater plateaus which create magnificent disruptions at the surface. These eddies remind me of Leonardo da Vinci’s water drawings as I sense huge walls of water moving in waves underneath the surface. I feel immersed, held, and seemingly inseparable from these rhythms, surrendering to a vastness experienced within as timelessness. In awe of this magnificence I experience our interconnection and know myself as part of this great song.

Space of Luminosity #1 - crystal, lost wax kiln cast, 2021, 9 x 24” x 7” comprised of two 12” long pieces, mixture of Cobalt, Pale Cobalt, Pale Copper and Pale Lagoon gaffer crystal, private collection

Space of Luminosity, detail.

Space of Luminosity #1, detail.

Space of Luminosity #2 - crystal, lost wax kiln cast, 2022, 9 x 24” x 7” comprised of two 12” long pieces, mixture of Cobalt, Pale Cobalt, Copper, Pale Copper, Pale Lagoon, Jade Green and Pale Jade Green - gaffer crystal, private collection

Space of Luminosity #2, detail


Mirror World #5


The Weaver